Reign of the Comedian: Politics & Philosophy

It feels like it’s been this way for a while.

But seriously though.. it can be arguably said that the most important voices in western politics are Joe Rogan and Russell Brand, which is CRAZY

Joining the voices of Rogan and Brand, we have Dave Chappelle. Despite those who find some of his work to be offensive; his voice cuts through mainstream discourse with a blend of irreverent challenges about race, gender, feminism and ‘big business’, whilst making you laugh. He also heralded as the legendary comedic talent that corporate powers couldn’t destroy and that legend status makes him a hero to artists everywhere.

Any long time spent in the ‘manosphere’ will result in you hearing a few names.. Jordan Peterson, amongst others, but dig further and a starting point for many emerges. The late Patrice O’ Neal. Seen as one of the greatest ‘comedian’s comedian’, men refer to his jokes/ideas as being essential to their journey as ‘levelling up’ as men – in their relationships but also in wider society.

Alongside these names you also have Bill Burr – with his ‘everyday man’ type of comedy where he’s less of comedian, but more philosopher of sorts. His objective is clear in that he is trying to be funny first, but his wit and clever takes on a range of topics, will allow him to hold his own in any debate i think.

What they all have in common?

  • They’re all intelligent bastards really.
  • Mastery of language [It’s like some Jedi mind trick, ‘The Voice’ from Dune (watch that movie!)]

This is to be taken pretty seriously, as I regard stand up comedy to be the most intellectually demanding artforms that I can think of. There’s SO much to balance, but you’re ability to communicate ideas is the skills that these comedians have spent years cultivating.

This shouldn’t be overlooked by other professional communicators (e.g. politicians, songwriters, rappers, teachers, clergy, any leader, etc).

These great comedians i’ve mentioned have been able to gain a following, not just because they are funny, but because they can talk about things that are really serious, but deliver it to you in a way that you could digest it. And, in a way that might even make you laugh.

This folks, is why I think comedians are the most important artists to watch at this point in time, particularly in the way they influence culture and politics. It’s gonna be a fun couple of years!

Books on being funny:

‘How to Make People Laugh’ by James W. Williams:

‘You Can Be Funny and Make People Laugh: No Fluff’ by Gregory Peart:

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